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good morning friends and believers

Today I must start with an apology. I previously said that as I was just an ordinary man I could not do a lot to help with the trials and tribulations facing the world today. One side of this is true- yes. I should have immediately shared that everyone is capable of praying for one another. Prayer is not difficult nor is prayer simply asking and receiving; God already loves us and wants to give us all good things. I think it is an automatic response- when we find ourselves in trouble we want to cry out for help. Mathew 6 :8 tells us that God already knows what we need- even before we ask Him.
I believe prayer helps us recognise how much God loves us and wants to help. It is reassuring to know that, even before I receive an answer to a prayer, I am able to thank God because I know He is trustworthy and true.

Today is a little brief. I felt it necessary to clarify my previous comments; You will probably find me trying to explain my thoughts regularly. As a result of my stroke my brain is full of ideas and thoughts that often don’t flow as well as I would like them to. I have to come back and reflect and try to connect my thoughts at a later time. I apologise again as it must be frustrating to readers. Believe me when I tell you that the inside of my head is like trying to rearrange the world’s most difficult rubic’s cube. The wonderful thing is; That this is just fine with God.

As Always, May God bless you, stay well and rejoice in His peace and glory